
First Vote


Close Up Foundation’s First Vote project will target young people preparing to vote for the first time in November and upcoming elections, with a special emphasis on reaching those from underrepresented communities, including Black, Latino, Asian, and Native American youth.

As young people prepare to take their First Vote, it is imperative that they develop the skills necessary for a lifetime of active civic engagement. Citizens must be informed about the policies that are being made and understand how those policies affect individuals and communities. And, most critically, they must learn how to engage in informed and civil discourse with fellow citizens, seek compromise when necessary, and use facts to support opinions.

The First Vote project is designed to give voice to young people, inspire them to vote, and empower them to become engaged citizens.

This Week’s First Vote Highlight

Each week students, law makers, and other decision makers from across the country will be featured as part of our First Vote Project. This week we are featuring a video from Senator Tim Kaine from Virginia about what influenced his First Vote in 1976!

DID YOU KNOW... Generation Z (18-23 years old) represent one-in-ten voters in the 2020 election.

A Starting Point

As young people get ready to cast their first vote during this year’s presidential election there are several issues at the forefront. Close Up and our partner A Starting Point sat down with students from across the country who are preparing to make their voice’s heard on Election Day to see what issues are on their mind. Check out the first video with ASP founders Chris Evans and Mark Kassen to hear what issues are important to students this year.

To learn more about ASP, check out their website!


First Vote Sponsors and Partners